The fastest speed so far in the competition's 20-year history came during the 2007 competition, when a University of Quebec team reached 8.035 knots with its Omer 5 sub.
Thanks to robust competition, and the recent arrival of several submarine cables, Kenya has seen a collapse in the price and increase in the speed of data connectivity.
Sports competition is, in essence, competition in the production of sports talents, a race in the speed of growth of reserve forces.
The types of competition also include speed, figure, and dance. It is a good way for people to practice skating in area without ice and snow.
Eventually, the shipyards created a competition amongst themselves for speed in building a Liberty ship.
The major findings are as follows: 1, cross-country skiing as a kind of speed and skill projects, training and competition in the whole process, the right knee strength and flexibility are demanding.
The enterprise in the fierce competition, truck industries and how small, also became the response speed of competition is a pressing problem.
The vehicles chosen for the final competition will compete in a cross country race in 2009 and 2010 that will test speed, urban driving and overall performance.
Competition is the outstanding feature of a society which thinks highly of speed and efficiency and puts achievement in the most important position.
Competition is the outstanding feature of a society which thinks highly of speed and efficiency and puts achievement in the most important position.