A computer game is in the school library.
He is playing a new computer game.
If he seems to be busy at the computer, he is probably playing a game online.
After all, whenever you play a computer game, you can always just play it again; everything you do is reversible.
The computer game, "Angry Anna," is a straightforward pastiche of "Angry Birds," a simple yet addictive game that has become one of the most downloaded apps of all time.
More than 80 years after he first appeared in Steamboat Willie, Disney's Mickey Mouse is poised to make his return as the lead character in a computer game.
And my friend bought the child a new game of strategy for the computer, but this game is played on-line in real time with other people from around the world.
This is most certainly not a computer game.
Unlike a computer game, there is no set mission to complete Second Life. Instead, the online world is a new frontier waiting for you to discover and enjoy as you wish.
You might think that what a computer, what a chess-playing computer does is just this: it calculates every possible branch, every possible game from here on out.
Previous studies have found that the prefrontal cortex is not activated when people interact with inanimate objects, such as a computer game.
The game becomes interesting only when it treads on new territory and the computer is forced to recalculate in response to an original placing of pieces rather than continue down a well-worn path.
Sometimes it is simple, like decoding a computer game, or adding more functions to a piece of chat software, said Peng.
"Sometimes it is simple, like decoding a computer game, or adding more functions to a piece of chat software," said Peng.
Then the computer tries to estimate who is winning and losing in each node, and these estimates result in a numerical point value for that game position.
I realize a fantasy computer game is not everyone's cup of tea, but this one is amazing.
I recently spent 10 days in a ski lodge in Utah with my daughter, who is eight, programming a grand vision she has for a computer game.
Rather, a little computer game would make me fell that the world is so beautiful.
EyePet, from Sony, is a computer game enabling players to view themselves on screen with their virtual animal in their living room.
Blueberry Garden is like the Moomins as a computer game (minus the dodgey theme tune).
For illustration purposes, our example program throughout this article is a hypothetical computer game called Kill Bad Aliens. In it, you will control a spaceship.
AlphaGo is a computer program developed by Google DeepMind in London to play the board game Go.
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
The basic idea is that we could be living in a massive simulation run by a far smarter civilization, a giant computer game, and we don't even know it.
It is a true computer game with all the bells and whistles.
In the hallway playing football, the computer a dozen game, is I accompanied him entertainment project.
There is no doubt that playing computer game is a comparable way to relax.
There is no doubt that playing computer game is a comparable way to relax.