The honor student from New York City had used a computer software program to download songs by Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, and other artists.
When a user stares at one of the checkerboard patterns, electrodes on the back of his head pick up the resulting brain signals and are sent to a computer software program.
A computer software program that installs itself without a user's permission and does not or honestly tell the user what information it is gathering from the computer and how it is using it.
Just because a TV program or computer software is not designated as "educational" does not mean that it offers no potential for learning.
If you are using a public computer that does not allow you to install software, this program will still allow you to use Chrome.
A new program aims to put the squeeze on malicious software that can disable, infiltrate or transform a computer system into an unwitting zombie - before the cyber attack ever materializes.
Get the Degree: a program in software engineering or computer science can help you learn the networking and programming basics to hold your own in this high-tech career.
An extraordinary behind-the-scenes struggle is taking place between computer security groups around the world and the brazen author of a malicious software program called Conficker.
As a marketing director at a computer software company, he'd gotten a taste of what it was like to grant people's wishes while managing the firm's community outreach program.
Sometimes there is a requirement that a software program will run on several computer platforms.
The e-mail contained a PDF file that was intended to install a malicious software program known as Poison Ivy, which was meant to give an intruder complete control of the victim's computer.
To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task.
Briefly, a boot loader is the first software program that runs when a computer starts.
If you don't have a screenwriting software program such as Final Draft ( loaded on your computer, it's still feasible to create a script as a Word document.
假如你电脑上没有按照专业的剧本写作软件,如FinalDraft (,Word编辑器也是可以胜任的。
Spreadsheet program is personal computer application software that allows a user to define mathematical or other logical relationships between columns and rows of cells.
This paper describes a method to design the computer software used for fully automatic wastewater COD determining. The program chart and some practical skills in programming are considered too.
Search Engine, software program that helps users find information stored on a personal computer, or a network of computers, such as the Internet.
This paper describes a new Implementation method of the Software Fault Tolerant Computer system (SFTCS) : the program system is derided into modules.
As applied to software, the capability of a program to is operated on a computer other than the one on which the program was developed.
The method is part of a routine which is stored along with a software program on a hard drive of a computer system.
Based on the research results, a computer program has been developed using VC language, and the program is integrated as a module of PIPSOD software.
根据研究结果利用VC语言编制了相应计算程序,集成到油气长输管道工程设计系统PIPS OD软件中。
In systems, methods and program products relating to the assessment of individuals, a subject can be provided with an assessment through software and a computer for improved functionality.
The computer system has a processor for running both the software program and the routine and is capable of operating in a debug mode.
This paper introduces a design scheme of a Monitor for Automobile Braking Force of Pedal based on single-chip computer C8051F206, The hardware structure and software program diagram was also studied.
本文介绍了基于C8051F206 单片机的汽车制动踏板力及行程检测仪的设计方案,给出了硬件线路结构图及软件程序框图。
This paper introduces a design scheme of a Monitor for Automobile Braking Force of Pedal based on single-chip computer C8051F206, The hardware structure and software program diagram was also studied.
本文介绍了基于C8051F206 单片机的汽车制动踏板力及行程检测仪的设计方案,给出了硬件线路结构图及软件程序框图。