A config file defines those files and actions.
It's common that you would want to include a config file to help organize your configuration.
The launch program runs from a config file (according to strings) called /usr/sharp/etc/launch.
launch程序从一个配置文件(根据字符串)开始运行,这个文件是 /usr/sharp/etc/launch.conf;
With a config file, the colors can be kept in one place, and only one file needs to be updated.
A one-line text command in a config file which instructs the server in some aspect of its operation.
In the future, setting the PHP_MATH variable might be done through a config file for the PHP math library as a whole.
By default, GRUB does not look in that location for a config file, so you must add a small hack to the file in the original location.
Each time a connection comes in, every text and image type keyword match check specified in the config file is performed.
If you plan on testing a new X config file on the plane, update the double tap entry to restart your good X server.
A system manager can modify the config file by hand, but it is assumed that at some level an application will be required to modify the config file directly.
That config file is actually a DSL designed by the framework author and developers use it to configure a running system.
This is actually a simplified version of the config file example explored in the conf file section.
Assume the config file is a file located somewhere on the UNIX filesystem.
Listing 4 shows a small script that reads the NFS server config file of Solaris and prints it to standard output.
There is more than one way to host your.net Web service, including IIS or a self-hosted console application, but the config file is fundamentally the same for both.
可以通过多种方式托管您的. NETWeb服务,包括IIS或一个自托管控制台应用程序,但是配置文件基本上是一样的。
You can set a new config parameter on the rendering portlet pointing to your JSP, but it currently needs to be in the WAR file of the rendering portlet.
In addition to the generic Interface a Factory class is generated, which might be configured in the project's config file.
For example, it will build a Ghosd image command if the keyword matches and the config file has specified an image to display.
To access the Batch Editor open a Spring XML bean definition file with Batch jobs in it with the Spring Config Editor and select the batch-graph tab.
A new config option, ChrootDirectory, is included in the sshd_config file that specifies the path to chroot after authentication.
If you decide to edit the config file, you may be surprised to see that the security rules in it aren't applied, even after a reboot.
A list of config files installed by this package, one file per line.
A sample mole.conf file has been dropped in the config dir during the plugin installation.
一个mole .conf文件的样例在安装插件时已经被安装到config文件夹中。
You can experiment with this yourself by downloading the sample code from Resources and editing the sample.xml file to put a carriage return between the sample and config tags.
您可以自己试验一下,从参考资料下载样本代码并且编辑sample . xml文件—在sample和config标记之间放置一个回车。
Make sure the initialization parameter config points to the struts configuration file, and then add a new initialization parameter named struts-servlet-mapping.
确保初始化参数config指向struts配置文件,然后添加一个新的名为struts - servlet - mapping的初始化参数。
Synapse can use a registry that offers up XML or other config via a HTTP GET interface or file system.
The VirtualHost section within the httpd.conf file or a separate virtual host config file
conf文件中的 VirtualHost部分或单独的虚拟主机配置文件
The first part of the guide will lead you step by step in creating a simple config file.
Because you selected project Zero PHP application, Zero already knows that you'll be using PHP, so it has placed a suitable php.ini file into the config directory of the project.
由于选择了ProjectZerophpapplication,因此zero已经知道您将使用php,所以它在项目的config目录中放置一个适当的php . ini文件。
Because you selected project Zero PHP application, Zero already knows that you'll be using PHP, so it has placed a suitable php.ini file into the config directory of the project.
由于选择了ProjectZerophpapplication,因此zero已经知道您将使用php,所以它在项目的config目录中放置一个适当的php . ini文件。