Even during the Cold War, the United States exported 10 million tons of wheat - nearly a quarter of the U.S. harvest - to the Soviet Union in 1972 after a crop failure there.
Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms, a major cause of crop failure, sustained little bollworm damage until this year.
Thomas, who lives in southern New Hampshire, began feeding the deer near her home in 2007, when a failure of the acorn crop led her to put out corn for the many wild creatures facing a lean time.
For farmers, that can make the difference between crop failure and a bumper crop of more than 1, 000 tons of wheat.
Poor rains have brought crop failure to parts of Niger, but aid agencies say a closer watch and better reporting on conditions have led to improved distribution of relief supplies.
Crusting of heavy clay soils after rainfall often causes poor emergence of crop seedlings from soil or even failure of a crop.
The drought and crop failure were the most serious in North China in a hundred years.
Climate change is a threat multiplier - it can exacerbate the migration and displacement of populations and contribute to crop failure or flooding, increasing pressure at home and on livelihoods.
Yes, but everybody said the crop would be a failure anyhow.
Yes, but everybody said the crop would be a failure anyhow.