A cubic spline interpolation between inductances at low and high frequency gives a good result over the entire frequency range.
Basic equation of photoelastic stress analysis by Chen (1962) is adopted; and a cubic spline function suitable for processing of photoelastic data is derived.
A necessary and sufficient condition is derived for the existence of monotone and convex interpolation by a cubic spline with an additional knot inserted between each pair of data points.
A method of three dimensional grid auto generation of the ship wet surface is presented in this paper, with the accumulative chord length cubic parameter spline theory being utilized.
Based on the vector equation, a real time interpolation algorithm for the cubic parametric spline curve in CNC systems is proposed.
With the cubic B spline functions treated as displacement functions, a new method is introduced into. The result is compared with one of the finite element method.
应用样条有限点法,以三次B 样条函数为位移试函数,导出了拱结构非线性内力分析的新方法。
This paper discusses the estimation of approximation orders of singular integrals over a general curve by means of cubic complex spline.
In this paper, we introduce a method to use cubic spline functions to solve problems of making decisions with insufficient data.
It is acquired from that it makes use of that the interpolation function of cubic spline interpolation has a continuous third derivative on the base of two-dementional cubic convolution interpolation.
The error estimation of rational cubic spline with linear denominators is given, and then the interpolation of a kind of space closed curves under cylindrical coordinate system is investigated.
A rational cubic spline curve to describe highway alignment is introduced.
Connecting with example, the results of these arithmetic are compared, and the cubic spline interpolation is confirmed as a effective method to rectifying map.
For solving the problem, a kind of the method for solving reactive kinetic parameters is put forward which makes use of natural cubic spline interpolation.
A method using cubic-spline interpolation to process correlation peaks was proposed to improve the precision of BOC-modulated signal PN code phase measurement.
A reconstruction algorithm by cubic spline function interpolation, which is used to recover a signal from its dyadic wavelet transform extrema is proposed in this paper.
Then, they workout a restoration and enhancement scheme for linear motion degradation image by using inverse filter, geometric rectification and cubic spline interpolation.
The meshing stiffness is calculated by employing 3-dimensional FEM and its function is formed by cubic spline interpolation and approximation of the discrete mesh points in a mesh period.
The meshing stiffness is calculated by employing 3-dimensional FEM and its function is formed by cubic spline interpolation and approximation of the discrete mesh points in a mesh period.