For the more adventurous, we offer rewards beyond mere sightseeing—from a three-day hike across the Grand Canyon to a ride along China's Yangtze River.
Brilliant day for a hike on the arctic tundra, surprisingly alive with flora, as well as reindeer and arctic fox.
The railway involves a natural monopoly: the only other way of getting to the ruins is a four-day hike along the Inca Trail.
Afterwards we hike through the woods. Kyla has her bear spray, which according to my book is a useful deterrent, though on a windy day 'may disable the user'.
If you are not religious you can spend time with your family, read all day, go on a hike, goof off, try new recipes or enjoy any other hobby.
Then there was a surprise interest rate hike on Christmas Day.
Even 1 Soda a Day Can Hike Your Diabetes risk.
But hiking can be a simple (and cheap) way to get out and have a great day. Here's what we would call the bare minimum for a safe day hike of 5 miles or less on a sunny summer day.
One day, out for a hike in Los Angeles with a friend, we crossed paths with a film crew shooting a reality show.
Escape the sweltering summer heat and bustle of Beijing on a relaxing day hike by the cool riverside and lulling waterfalls of Wangquan Valley.
Camper: Can you recommend a short day hike in this area?
Ancient people thought climbing a mountain on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters, and it gradually evolved into a custom for relaxation, hike and exercise.
古人认为,九九重阳,登高可以避祸免灾。 后来,重阳节登高爬山,逐渐演变成了人们放松心情、锻炼身体的体育和旅游活动。
Two estranged brothers reunite at their childhood home in the Alaskan wild. They set out on a two-day hike and are stalked by an unrelenting grizzly bear.
Following the long hike you can drink a hot chocolate, enjoy some food (not thebest quality though) and take a good rest for the next day.
They set out on a two-day hike and are stalked by an unrelenting grizzly bear.
Join Culture Yard on a one day escape from the city. Hike the wild great wall, eat in a local farmhouse and see pagodas dated from the 15th century.
One organization says the tax hike could turn the state into a modern-day Gotham City, where cackling criminals in back alleys rule the day, much to the dismay of local law enforcement.
Camping foods are always more delicious, especially after a long day hike.
Camping foods are always more delicious, especially after a long day hike.