What you need is a man without thought, like a dead-alive person!
Now, I feel sad, I like a a dead-alive person does not have its own ideas? I don't know who is in my heart is very important?
When the death of a loved one is sudden or unexpected, with lit-tle time to prepare, it is not infrequent for mourners to believe the dead person is still alive.
Within six weeks, our Chinese compatriots they shot dead buried alive more than 30 million people, an average of every thirteen seconds there is a Chinese person was killed!
In other words, a person who is suffering from the effects of severe cold may seem dead, but still be alive.
If you could do a duet with one person; alive or dead - who would it be?
I want to prove that a person may be dead, and yet at the same time be alive.
A person, when alive, can talk or laugh, but when dead, will become as inanimate as a piece of rock. Doesn't it indicate that the mind has ceased to be?
There are many cases in history of people being buried alive because of lack of adequate medical techniques for finding out whether a person was actually dead or, say suffering from paralysis.
Moreover, we also know that people are complex and variable, a person alive, he always could change their behaviour and image, therefore, called on people to emulate heroes preferably dead hero.
But those close think of feeling person not worth a farthing, they have lost the most precious thing of person, image dead-alive person living has been the same.
If you could have dinner with ANY one person, dead or alive, who would it be? And why? (Please provide a detailed explanation - in complete sentences.)
If you could have dinner with ANY one person, dead or alive, who would it be? And why? (Please provide a detailed explanation - in complete sentences.)