Next, a decentralized algorithm with arbitrary decentralized information structure is developed.
Therefore, the concentration of development and decentralized energy use, as well as a continuous power supply and load a random change, it restricted the power system structure and operation.
It is better suited for Internet which is a kind of decentralized network with large scale and complex structure.
Some of the difficulties associated with a centralized control scheme can be alleviated via a decentralized control structure in which information transfer between subsystems is unavoidable.
For a given control system, it is possible that the system may not be stabilized by pure decentralized state feedback, and its feedback structure has to be changed.
A decentralized variable - structure control for a class of uncertain large - scale interconnected systems is presented.
A decentralized fuzzy variable structure control is presented for trajectory tracking of robot manipulators.
Fully electronic control, a decentralized module structure, highly networked functionally and extended software configuration capabilities are the typical characteristics of the system.
Decentralized structure includes few management levels, decision-making authority is allocated to lower management and management scope is wider so it shows a flat type structure.
Based on its own structure information, a new robust overlapping decentralized control method is presented.
A decentralized variable-structure control for a class of nonlinear uncertain large-scale systems is presented. The presented control approach is applied to uncertain large flexible space structures.
A decentralized variable-structure control for a class of nonlinear uncertain large-scale systems is presented. The presented control approach is applied to uncertain large flexible space structures.