A lot of products they produced is a drug on the market.
Men's knickers went out of style and are now a drug on the market.
We can not sell this material at a higher price. It's a drug on the market.
Since petrol costs so much, big cars may well become a drug on the market soon.
Gramophone records have become a drug on the market since cassettes were introduced.
And there's already a drug on the market, Tocilizumab (TOE-si-LIZ-oo-mab), to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
But the European Medicines Agency will allow the diabetes drug on the market for a few months, considering patients need some time to discuss with their doctors about other therapies.
In 1947 there was no cure for TB - doctors prescribed fresh air and a regular diet - but there was a new, experimental drug on the market, streptomycin.
Once a product is on the market, however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) monitors its safety and can take action to ban or recall dangerous products.
Some 300,000 people were taking the drug when Afssaps pulled it from the market last November, saying it had little effect on diabetes and might lead to a dangerous thickening of heart valves.
In a 11-page document dated Sept 22, Janet Woodcock MD, director for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, explains why she decided to allow Avandia to continue to be on the market.
There isn't a single drug currently on the market that addresses how cancer cells break loose from a primary tumor and get into the vascular system, migrate out, and form a secondary tumor.
麻省理工学院生物与机械工程学塞西尔与艾达·格林(Cecil and Ida Green)杰出教授卡姆说,“市场上没有一种药能说明癌细胞如何挣脱原来的瘤、进入血管系统、迁出并形成继发瘤。
If there are choices out there and a new drug is less safe, we will not put it on the market unless there is some advantage.
However, he worries that if the funding decisions on individual projects are mainly made by academia, they may not be able to judge the market potentials of a new drug.
Food and drug safety experts have complained for years about a flawed system that has led to food scares or mass poisonings tied to counterfeit or substandard medicines on the market.
"The impact of chemical products on the bulk pharmaceutical market hints at a much larger problem: a huge hole in drug safety, " the drug agency publication stated.
Negative reports about a drug that's on the market can yield crucial new information.
A new anti-obesity drug which could soon be available in Australia has been heralded as a better weight stripper than others already on the market.
It's been raining all week and sunglasses are a real drug on the market.
In a news conference in new York, Merck said it had considered whether to continue to market the drug with enhanced warnings on the label about the potential cardiac risks, but had decided not to.
Professor Pan : Because it is a new drug on the market so maybe the price has been increased, I agree with that.
It's not on the market yet, but a patch composed of tiny needles, each the width of a few human hairs, could eventually replace hypodermic needles for most drug injections.
On the one hand, Jinshan drug tyrants focus on personal information security field, through a broad alliance to consolidate the market and increase share.
When a new drug comes on the market you need to find out what it does alone.
Triptans is a kind of important drug for migraine. So far, sumatriptan, nalatriptan, zlmitriptan, zizatriptan, almotritan, eletriptan and frovatriptan have appeared on the market.
曲坦类化合物是一类重要的治疗偏头痛的药物,现已开发出来的有舒马曲坦,纳拉曲坦、 佐米曲坦、 利扎曲坦、阿莫曲坦、依利曲坦和氟伐曲坦。
It's a perfect use of Genentech's expertise to have a follow-on second-generation drug that could expired the market beyond an injectable product.
It's a perfect use of Genentech's expertise to have a follow-on second-generation drug that could expired the market beyond an injectable product.