These labels say nothing about animal welfare, and the products are often produced on a factory farm.
Coprinus comatus has high nutritional, medical and economical values, nowadays, there is little research on the technology of cultivating Coprinus comatus in a factory farm.
He left school at the age of twelve, first on a farm and later in a factory.
This is the fire sale of a continent lurching from the farm to the factory.
Increasingly, for younger people, the journey from farm to factory is also a voyage of self-discovery.
But increasingly, for younger people, the journey from farm to factory is also a voyage of self-discovery.
There is a good chance they may never pin down the cause as people forget exactly what they ate weeks ago, contaminated food is thrown away and farm and factory equipment is disinfected.
Dairy facilities are gigantic machine-filled buildings, more like a factory than a farm.
Also, factory farm run-off a yes ia m talking about all that animal waste - is creating a run-off pollution crisis that is threatening our rivers and oceans.
If you wanted to eat you needed to hunt, farm or work in a factory to trade for food.
The truth is that farm production does not depend on the family farmer witha small herd of animals but instead resembles a large, assembly-line factory.
After I left school, I worked in a farm implements factory, and later an automobile repair plant.
We can see its family tree - and its daddy was a virus that evolved in the artificial breeding ground of a vast factory farm in North Carolina.
Earth will be managed, like a farm or a factory.
I work in a factory and my brother (works) on a farm.
He works in a factory, and his brother on a farm.
Large factory farms resemble more of a "business" than a "farm."
Do you work in a factory or on a farm?
My granDfather had a small farm where he raised beef and some grain for feed. He also worked diligently as a factory laborer and country pastor.
He was afraid Polly would grow so discontented that Rudy would quit the farm and take a factory job in Omaha.
I work in a factory and my brother on a farm.
A new customer asks you for advice about which mode of transport would be used to transport a consignment of 2 tons of cotton from his farm in Sydney to clothes factory in Guangdong, China.
I would rather work on a farm than in a factory.
He rents out a few factory buildings and lets out several expensive apartments. He owns a beautiful farm in the countryside where he hires out horses, bicycles and tennis courts.
And while China is not yet a bona fide "factory-farm nation" like the United States and most of Europe, the strains of its fast-growing livestock sector are becoming harder to ignore.
The possibility of earning a fixed salary in a factory or office was more attractive than the possibility of staying on the farm and having one's work destroyed by frost, storms, or droughts.
在工厂或机关工作就可能赚得固定的工资,在农场,自己的劳动就很可能毁于霜 冻、暴风雨和干旱。
Almost all milk has to be transported long distance to the factory now, in days gone by it was small local producers who milked cows as part of a total farm business including grain growing.
Almost all milk has to be transported long distance to the factory now, in days gone by it was small local producers who milked cows as part of a total farm business including grain growing.