A longer NASA feature article and videos describe the results in greater detail.
Time magazine recently published a feature article, "Rethinking Marx" (interestingly, it was available only in Britain), with essentially the same thesis.
As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years.
This article has been a quick tour of pattern matching in F# and introduced its new active patterns feature.
This article describes how to take advantage of the data binding feature to provide a quick and powerful way for you to specify how the user interface reads and writes its data.
This article takes a closer look at active patterns a feature that adds to F#'s already strong pattern matching capabilities.
A subsequent article in this series describes this Version 6 feature.
A future article will be published shortly on this feature as it needs more extensive explanation.
In part 4 of this article series, you created a plug-in feature and an update site using the Eclipse development environment, and you learned how to install, disable, and uninstall a plug-in.
In first ReiserFS article, I mentioned that ReiserFS has a special feature called "tail packing".
In this two-part article, I'll focus on improvements to Ruby on Rails scaffolding, a Rails feature that reduces repetition at early development stages.
在这篇包含两部分的文章中,我把重点放在Ruby onRails搭建上,这是一个能够在早期开发阶段削减重复的Rails特性。
In each article, a key new feature recently added into the product will be introduced. Here's the content summary of upcoming articles.
Table of contents (a standard feature of ReporterPLUS that will be not further described in this article).
Notice the use of a feature new to this article.
In this article I have presented the AIX IP filtering capabilities, a useful built-in feature that will allow system administrators to implement an extra layer of security in their servers.
A subsequent article in this series will cover this important new feature in greater detail.
This article ended by listing a demo program that USES the named parameter feature with the IDS 11 server.
This article discusses the Transcoding Technology feature, and specifically focuses on what this tool provides and how developers can use it effectively in a pervasive portal.
In this article, we will use the personalization feature to manually implement a multilingual Web site.
This article presents a general introduction to this innovative feature and a step-by-step demonstration of how Web service developers can take advantage of it.
In this article, we showed step-by-step methods for developing the artifacts needed to invoke legacy CICS business logic from a workflow process using the SOAP for CICS feature.
With the help of sample scenarios, the article demonstrates how DB2's LOAD FROM CURSOR feature can be used to copy data fast and simple within a database and also between different databases.
本文通过示例场景演示了如何使用DB2的LOADFROM CURSOR特性在一个数据库中以及不同的数据库之间快速轻松地复制数据。
They did a story on me once, a whole feature article that won the reporter some big award, so they figured they owed me or something and invited me to this thing.
In another feature article, "the humor Gap," Christie Nicholson takes a serious look at what's so funny about humor to men and women.
The article also shows how you can build a sample that makes use of the new feature focusing on the steps that are different from 5.0.
This article shows you how to use the Sametime location awareness feature to create a plug-in that displays local weather for your Sametime partners.
You will see this feature at work later in the article when you access your application through a Web browser.
You will see this feature at work later in the article when you access your application through a Web browser.