By then I was more philosophical about such things, with an attitude rather like the wise man who said, it does a dog good to have a few fleas now and then.
On this day, where the US celebrates one of its true giants, a man who gave everything for what he thought was right, take a few minutes and re-dedicate yourself to fighting the good fight.
Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him-for this is his lot.
For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days he passes through like a shadow?
Jones says that in his few meetings with Obama, he found that "[Obama] clearly is a man with really good instincts."
Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.
I was never a good man, also do not have helpful quality, more not rare you a few words of thanks.
Good man. Right, let's go. l've got a few things to discuss with you. but we can talk while we eat.
Man can observe, he can learn to understand, he can apply. The secret is to apply in the interests of the common good; not for one or for a few; not to destroy but to build for all peoples.
It was a Bran chapter and man was it good to get lost back in Westeros if only for a few moments.
Maybe we missed a few chances but the good thing is that we created them in the first place. ( Siphiwe Tshabalala, South Africa midfielder and Budweiser Man of the Match)
可能我们错过了几次进球的机会,但幸运的是我们先进了球。( 南非队中场球员、本场最佳球员查巴拉拉)
Maybe we missed a few chances but the good thing is that we created them in the first place. ( Siphiwe Tshabalala, South Africa midfielder and Budweiser Man of the Match)
可能我们错过了几次进球的机会,但幸运的是我们先进了球。( 南非队中场球员、本场最佳球员查巴拉拉)