In the present design, step inputs are restricted to a few tenths of millivolt.
This approach shaved a few tenths of a second off the normal running time, and a few seconds off the large-input version.
Most economists are sanguine: global growth might slow by a few tenths of a percentage point, they reckon, but not enough to jeopardise the rich world's recovery.
The catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan depressed global markets in March, and may have shaved a few tenths of a percentage point off America's growth.
It looks like if you would smooth the few tenths-of-a-degree region right around 24.7 degrees, you would almost get the expected occurrences.
It looks like if you would smooth the few tenths-of-a-degree region right around 24.7 degrees, you would almost get the expected occurrences.