Teachers have organized a field trip to a recycling factory.
The star accessorised her outlandish winter look with a broad leather fetish collar around her neck and a pair of black Chanel sunglasses for her trip to one of the city's Bruce Field fashion stores.
嘎嘎姐用来搭配这套古怪冬装的是脖子上宽大的物神皮革项圈和黑色香奈儿太阳镜。 时尚女神此行的目的地是巴黎的一个布鲁斯广场时尚商店。
He and a friend made an annual trip to Ningbo where there was a good cicada trapping field.
Freelancing also allows me to pick up my child immediately after school and I can take off a day to chaperone a field trip if I want.
This field trip not only provides a great history lesson, but a environmental one, too.
In fact, Summer lends the perfect time to take your kids on a field trip to a local farm.
Summer is a fabulous time for taking a birding field trip, and the best birders know how to take advantage of summer birding and beat the heat at the same time without endangering the birds.
So only a small crowd, say, a grade school class taking a field-trip to the park, would have to gather around that bench before it became more likely than not that two people shared a birthday.
Another time, when I was on a trip in Puerto Rico, I had a helicopter land in her neighborhood's baseball field just to see her.It was the only way I could do it because I had no time.
Another time, when I was on a trip in Puerto Rico, I had a helicopter land in her neighborhood's baseball field just to see her. It was the only way I could do it because I had no time.
This trip would more likely be done for pleasure, not work, although if you work in a creative field, you may be working on a big project and loving every minute!
In your second term you will participate in a field trip to a major European city.
Life is a field of practice, a short trip, long life.
You're on a field trip, and a gigantic Hollow attacks you and your friends. What would you do?
Although this is not a thorough study, we have learned a lot through the field trip and have recognized the importance of heritage conservation afterwards.
A family field trip doesn't have to cost a dime.
When we are on a field trip, there will be no talking as we enter a building.
I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking. Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends. We always have a good time!
I visited Little Rock on a fifth-grade field trip to the state Capitol, the highlight of which was a visit to the governors office with the chance to sit in the absent governors chair.
Birdseye was a field biologist and it was on a field trip in Labrador, Canada that his interest in freezing techniques was piqued.
The invention relates to a travel folding round house, in particular to a folding round house which can be used in field trip or encampment.
本发明涉及一种旅行折叠圆屋,具体地说是涉及一种可以在野外郊游或 宿营时使用的可折叠圆形房屋。
We're going a field trip! A dairy farm, to be precise.
This portion of our field trip pushed us all a little deeper, as the elders shared their life stories and gave us their 'pearls of wisdom' for living a 'fulfilled life'.
我们下一站前往大连老年福利院。在那里当地无家的老人们可以获得住宿和照顾。 这次行程让我们有了更深的体验。 很多老人和我们分享了他们的生活经历,向我们传授了很多“精彩人生”的智慧。
When I was a third-grade student in the 1960s, my school organized a field trip to an exhibit of suffering, where, under the direction of our teacher, we cried bitter tears.
Little Johnny's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures, tacked to a bulletin board, of the 10 most wanted criminals.
Andy's daycare arranged a field trip to Eden farm for a pumpkin-picking. Every kid was wearing Piper's hill red T-shirt.
Andy's daycare arranged a field trip to Eden farm for a pumpkin-picking. Every kid was wearing Piper's hill red T-shirt.