Food is savored but not overeaten. In other words, they enjoy these high-fat, high-protein delicacies in little bits at a time.
The main food pattern was high in grain and low in high quality protein. Fat of animal origin accounted for a large proportion of fat intake.
The dogs performed just as well on the high protein diet as on their standard fare, apparently a function of the amount of fat in the food rather than anything related to the protein content.
Lysozyme has extensive USES in the pharmaceutical and food fields for it is a hydrolytic enzyme of high-saltine protein without toxicity or harmfulness.
Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
Cheese, even a vegan alternative, is going to be high in fat and protein, making it a food that's slow to digest.
Is to produce a variety of products, soy protein extract of soybean production and food quality raw materials, now Europe as a whole export-oriented high-quality soy protein in Anhui.
In the choice of a protein supplement food, animal protein content in milk, yogurt, egg, fish in the relatively high, plant protein is usually in the beans and nuts content is relatively high.
Scorpion rich in protein, is a high nutritional value of nourishing food.
Wheat gluten is a kind of vegetable protein with high nutritional value. It was widely used in food industry because of its special functional properties.
These biscuits are specially blended to be a high-protein and high-energy food supplement in a dry, easy-to-distribute form.
These biscuits are specially blended to be a high-protein and high-energy food supplement in a dry, easy-to-distribute form.