A friendly warning: If I find sales are lagging, I get testy and lock the exits.
Most would rather send you on your way with a friendly warning — that can save you time and money.
Here's a friendly warning: the OTCs are now mobilizing on their next effort: Getting you to believe they are your friends and partners.
Google's stance could put commercial pressure on its rivals to adopt more customer-friendly policies, and may serve as a warning to other Internet firms to treat customers' data with more care.
S stance could put commercial pressure on its rivals to adopt more customer-friendly policies, and may serve as a warning to other Internet firms to treat customers' data with more care.
从商业上看,[gm 99nd]公司这一态度有可能迫使其竞争对手采取更有益于用户的政策,并且会提醒其他互联网公司在对待用户数据时要更为谨慎。
A friendly player who picks up the VIP kit when the VIP player is critically wounded will get the 10 second warning.
Take letters from a warning friendly power authorizing privateering.
Add a "new formula for early warning" function, direct user-friendly features to take advantage of this new formula for early warning.
Letters of Marque: Take letters from a warning friendly power authorizing privateering.
Letters of Marque: Take letters from a warning friendly power authorizing privateering.