The benchmark lending rate dropped a full percentage point, to 2.75 percent.
From November to March, for example, the unemployment rate fell by a full percentage point, to 8.8%.
I was pleased to see my XIRR ROI climb in the past quarter a full percentage point as I received fewer defaults.
More importantly, labour-force participation is still more than a full percentage point below what it reached in 2000.
Brazil's central bank reduced interest rates by a full percentage point to 12.75%. The cut was larger than expected.
They have marked up their forecasts for the American economy next year by between a half and a full percentage point.
Spain sold 2.5 billion euros in bonds on Tuesday, but had to pay a full percentage point more than it did a month ago for the privilege.
It has now plummeted a full percentage point in four months, a feat unmatched since early 1984 and a fact Mr Obama made sure to point out.
Don’t be so sure that man or woman on the ground can justify the extra expenses, which can run a full percentage point or more above those of an indexed fund.
The United States is believed to have been in a recession since December of last year. During that time, U.S. unemployment has jumped a full percentage point.
People living in poverty in the United States in 2009 was 14.3 percent, according to the Census Bureau, nearly a full percentage point higher than the previous year.
To place a new issue, given the yields demanded by investors, the interest rate payable by borrowers must be 6.85%, a full percentage point higher than current levels.
The median estimates: the central bank would lower the benchmark lending rate by 0.25% in 2015 and reserve requirements by a full percentage point by the end of 2016.
We now expect global GDP to contract by 1.9% in real terms in 2009; this is down a full percentage point from our previous forecast of 0.9% shrinkage, made in mid-January.
The central bank also lowered by a full percentage point the share of assets that small and medium-size Banks must deposit as reserves with the central bank, effective Sept. 25.
The uninhibited spread of HIV would diminish the economy's long-term growth rate, taking off half a percentage point annually by 2010 and a full percentage point annually by 2020.
A decline in home buying subtracted a half percentage point off of the GDP figure, compared with about a full point in the first quarter.
A decline in home buying subtracted a half percentage point off of the GDP figure, compared with about a full point in the first quarter.