Within a mathematical model things are perfectly clear, even when doing fuzzy logic.
A geometry based mathematical model is established for the calculation of reliability index by use of the fuzzy random reliability theory for slope stability analysis.
For the complexity and difficulty of establishing an accurate mathematical model of DO parameter control in sewage treatment system, we propose a fuzzy control method with PLC to deal with it.
Based on the literature, we establish the forecast mathematical model depend on a set of technical parameters by the fuzzy mathematics correlative knowledge.
A mathematical model for the comprehensive evaluation of the physical education class quality was established based on the Fuzzy theory.
This article applies fuzzy multifactorial evaluations to predict the childbirth manner of Lying-in women, set a simple and feasible mathematical model.
A vector control method of linear induction motor based on fuzzy control was proposed because it was difficult to establish accurate mathematical model of linear induction motor.
A mathematical model has been presented, and a teaching quality evaluating system based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is also designed and implemented in this paper.
In view of the time-variable and nonlinear characteristics of mathematical model of hydraulic bending roll system, this thesis design a new nonlinear adaptive controler based on fuzzy neural network.
As a mathematical model created based on the set theory, fuzzy masking can be treated as a natural extention of the traditional masking.
Fuzzy control has the advantage of quickness, it has a strong robustness. There is no need to know the object's mathematical model.
By the combination of fuzzy reliability theory with optimization theory, a fuzzy reliability optimal mathematical model of gear transmission in wheel-side reducer is established.
The fuzzy mathematical theory is applied to assess the survivability of warship propulsion system. A mathematical model is established under the situation of both broken damage and shock damage.
For this design the steering behaviour of a human controller is transformed into a fuzzy 'mathematical model.
Simultaneously we utilized the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to give a risk assessment mathematical model to the whole mobile payment system.
The model combines a mathematical model based on heat balance and a fuzzy neural networks model, the results are sent through an intelligent coordinator.
This article uses fuzzy mathematical method to discuss the raw meal proportioning of cement and presents a fuzzy programming model for three raw materials mixed.
Based on the factors that cause the third party damage, a mathematical model was formulated using a fault tree analysis and a fuzzy comprehensive analysis.
Here, firstly the mathematical model of PSVC is established, then a fuzzy sliding mode controller for PSVC is designed.
文中首先建立了PSVC的数学模型,设计了PS VC模糊变结构控制器。
The mathematical model of two-objective fuzzy reliability optimization design for swing movable teeth drive is put forward. A numerical example is given.
On the basis of that fuzzy judgement, a kind of ideal point method for solving the mathematical model of multi target fuzzy optimal design was advanced, and its detailed solving method and steps...
The control for speed limit on expressway is a nonlinear and time variable system, it is difficult to simulate with a mathematical model. A neuro-fuzzy network is proposed to solve the problem.
This paper gives a presentation of the indefinite information on TPG (thermal power grid). A mathematical model of TPG and a method for fuzzy information prediction are introduced.
Fuzzy mathematical theory is applied to set up a mathematical model of comprehensive assessment.
The paper proposed a mathematical model of dynamic environment based fuzzy concept and a method of robots path searching based on this model.
The Fuzzy control is a kind of the nonlinear control, With regard to the system which is uncertainty of the Mathematical model, the Fuzzy control can obtain the satisfying effect.
The Fuzzy control is a kind of the nonlinear control, With regard to the system which is uncertainty of the Mathematical model, the Fuzzy control can obtain the satisfying effect.