If you were writing a pool game you could use a PickRaySegment to represent the pool cue and you could pick with BoundingSphere to detecting collisions between the balls.
Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game.
Game Description: Our lost hero is out with his best buddy Blue ball. Together, the two balls manage to lose a treasure on an island. Can you help them reclaim their riches?
Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in…
If you only have to stop balls twice in a game, you must do it, so I'm happy with the save at the end, but that's my job.
Game Description: Combine two fluffy balls of a kind by hitting them with the white shell.
Game Description: Combine two fluffy balls of a kind by hitting them with the white shell.