A closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.
May I have a glass of ice water please?
I need a glass of ice water to perk up.
You'd like to drink a glass of ice water before dinner even in winter.
He quipped: "It's like giving a glass of ice water to someone in Hell."
He quipped: 'It's like giving a glass of ice water to someone in Hell.'
So a closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.
Crank up the AC, grab a glass of ice water and get ready to enjoy these seven titles guaranteed to help occupy your mind with chilly thoughts.
It could be a glass of water with ice in it.
Drink a glass of water - If you're like most people you're not drinking as much water as you should be each day. Get a tall glass add ice and fill it with cold water.
喝一杯水- - -如果你像大多数人一样每天不喝很多水的话,拿一个大杯子放上冰块倒满一杯水。
Let's figure out exactly what you're burning when you drink a 16-ounce (0.5 liter) glass of ice water.
When the glass bottle containing water and water vapor is placed in a mixture of dry ice and alcohol, the sudden cold will make the water vapor condense into ice crystals.
Picture a glass of water with ice cubes tipping over.
There is also a large glass of ice water to cool it down, internal organs, alleviate the severe.
Crush half a lime with a teaspoon of sugar. Add the alcohol. fill the glass with crushed ice and add soda water in the end.
Enjoy a large glass of ice water hot tea or another calorie free beverage. garnish with a twist of lemon or lime. drink slowly. try having this before a meal.
The head table had several flower arrangements, large glass pitchers of ice water, and a microphone on a table-top stand.
Like drinking a big glass of ice water, then use a long time to flow into tears,.
Like drinking a big glass of ice water, then use a long time to flow into tears,.