A deer couched on a grassy bank.
They sat on a grassy bank at the edge of the field watching the game of cricket.
While there I amused myself below a grassy bank, pretending to dig a tunnel to Europe.
For example, he contrasted the effect of a common wild flower on a grassy bank with that of a gaudy hybrid of the same genus, imported from Japan and blooming under glass in an enameled vase.
He saw a deer couching on the grassy bank.
When he was gone Durbeyfield walked a few steps in a profound reverie, and then sat down upon the grassy bank by the roadside, depositing his basket before him.
87as you slowly walk down a green grassy bank and come to a little stream of bubbling crystal clear water.
My weary mind turns for refreshment to the thought of you as a dusty traveler might sink onto a soft and grassy bank.
我那疲倦的思想只因有了你才能神清气爽,恰似风尘仆仆的路人倒在 溪 边柔软的草丛中。
My weary mind turns for refreshment to the thought of you as a dusty traveler might sink onto a soft and grassy bank.
我那疲倦的思想只因有了你才能神清气爽,恰似风尘仆仆的路人倒在 溪 边柔软的草丛中。