Fusion in a star's core produces heat and outward pressure, but this pressure is kept in balance by the inward push of gravity generated by a star's mass.
So you saw in a striking example of where friction helped us to balance, and now I want to discuss an object that is hanging and that can freely swing due to gravity.
The control system automatically regulates the buoyancy force of the gasbag according to parameters of a sensor, so as to achieve the gravity balance and energy-saving flight of the whole aircraft.
Lightweight design with a low center of gravity produces optimal balance between racing performance and ease of control.
Solidified water flows into balance jar upon itself gravity. Keeping certain water level in the jar through an automatic controlled discharge valve, which forms a water seal.
Because Einstein thought he needed to model a static universe, he introduced his "cosmological fudge factor" to balance the attractive gravity of matter.
In the utility model, a hob assembly gravity center balance structure is formed, thus ensuring that the same machined part can have a uniform milling surface.
In the utility model, a hob assembly gravity center balance structure is formed, thus ensuring that the same machined part can have a uniform milling surface.