We've received a great amount of information.
There's a tremendous amount of digital information floating around and few great solutions for filtering it, making sense of it, and consuming it.
The Internet has another great feature you've likely noticed: you can access a seemingly unlimited amount of information without needing a copy of it on your local computer.
There are a lot of information which are useful for decision-making behind the large amount of data, but it is not an easy thing to take these useful information from the great lot of data.
Three sites in China have a great impact, large amount of information each provides many kinds of services, generally off by the large Chinese intellectual one and praise.
In this paper, a new method is proposed of digital image information processing based on the principles of finite automation for the great amount of data in video information processing.
Logging curve contains a great amount of geologic information and it has advantage in studying multilevel cycle of strata and in recognizing multi-resolution abrupt change of strata.
We have a great amount of firsthand information.
Topic detection technique can be used to detect news topics from a great amount of news stream, and help us organize and utilize news information according to their topics.
Ocean technology investigation and observation are providing great mass of following ocean technology information together with a great amount of ocean data.
Though there is a great amount of goods information in e-Commerce market, information asymmetry exists all the same.
A good negotiator should be flexible enough and adeptly deals with a great amount of ever-emerging information and uncertainties.
In today's information age, the public waste a great amount of time and efforts in retrieving the information they need in a broad array of fire information.
Well logging data including a great amount of geological information are the main sources applied to study multi-scale sedimentary cycle.
Well logging data including a great amount of geological information are the main sources applied to study multi-scale sedimentary cycle.