Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.
Du Fu is a great Chinese poet who has become popular with many people around the world.
"Today is a day when we as a nation, along with our many friends around the world, mark with a heavy heart and great sadness this moment of unbearable loss for the many families involved," he said.
The world owes a great deal to those who design and programme computers, many of whom show autistic traits.
Virtual worlds are good for many things. They are great places to escape from reality for a while, wear outrageous clothes, or meet a complete stranger from around the world.
It will therefore come as a great surprise to many Westerners to learn that the rest of the world fears the West even more than the West fears it, especially the threat posed by a wounded West.
Fortunately, I already know I will have a great deal of help from the many people who are deeply committed to the mission of the World Bank.
Those are great things for sure, and there are many bold and courageous people whose lives are dedicated to making a huge difference in the world. But most of us aren't those people.
Receiving so many varying opinions from women all over the country and the world is such a great way to connect.
It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world.
There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of its energy on these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much better world.
Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions. In other words, he was a great musician.
If you feel unhappy, you look out of the window, the world is great, the scenery is beautiful, many opportunities, life is very short, don't curled in a small shadow.
Steve Jobs has brought a great many changes to our world.
His thoughts and practice on a person's all-round development are highly thought of in Japan and also have great effect in many countries of the world.
The Great Wall is no longer a wall dividing China from the rest of the world, but it is a reminder of the fact that there are many walls still existing in the world which divide nations and peoples.
A great many people around the world watched on television as the astronaut stepped onto the moon's surface.
A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world.
Since then a great many people have learned to smoke and now tobacco is smoked all over the world.
The current development of comparative literature and world literature as a school course has raised many issues of great concern, on which views are various.
The country that has produced so many great footballers and such a distinct, wonderful way of playing the game is still without a World Cup win.
In many parts of the world summer is a warm, beautiful time of the year. (1) The long, sunlit days make it great to be outdoors. (2)
There are many people who say that there can't be a loving God because of the great suffering in the world.
There are many people who say that there can't be a loving God because of the great suffering in the world.