As a historical record this book is without a compeer.
In oral history projects, an interviewee recalls an event for an interviewer who records the recollections and creates a historical record.
If you require a historical record to help explain the present, then build your dashboard so that it or its data can be saved at regular intervals.
The detector's minuscule size can measure the radiation quickly in different areas of the body as well as keep a historical record of the patient.
A historical record of work on national standard methods for rare earth chemical analysis in China is reviewed and recent development in this field is introduced.
Mass spectroscopy is important, not because it generates a tsunami of data, but because it gives the isotope ratios that write a historical record of the global temperature.
Is the New Testament a historical record or factual biography of what really happened, or a tool for the priesthood to lay down doctrines and dogma as they were developed over the centuries?
In addition to tracking temperature, humidity, pressure, and light, the sensors monitor shock and tilt and provide a historical record of how goods are handled in each pallet or container shipped.
The museum provides us with a unique historical record of industrial and agricultural life in the area.
We believe a richer intellectual and historical record that is fuller and more accurate is in itself intrinsically good, and gives people the tools to make intelligent decisions.
You can use Query Patroller to select from the historical record of past queries. You can select a subset that best meets your needs such as.
It involves knowing what can be proven directly, what is a legitimate implication derived from the facts, and what is fair to conclude from the historical record.
From a new kind of historical record to an unprecedented opportunity for discovering patterns of social interaction, this is big.
Immutability means that once changes are committed to a repository, they are a permanent part of a project's historical record.
But Roosevelt was in fact a stubborn fiscal conservative, as the historical record unambiguously demonstrates.
Taking historical losses, even record ones, and magnifying them does not capture the once-in-a - lifetime crisis.
Once merged, PullRequests preserve a record of the historical changes to your code.
But if you look at the historical record, it turns out that a lot of important ideas have very long incubation periods.
From 1996 until 2010, China's average interest rate was 6.49%reaching an historical high of 10.98% in June of 1996 and a record low of 5.31% in February of 2002.
The length, stability and regularity give these data a leg up over a sometimes spotty historical scientific climate record. Another tool to understand more about our changing climate.
To many, the record of who should and should not wear gold in his clothes can be dismissed as historical trivia, but for us it had a special importance.
Indeed, the historical record provides a hint that something was afoot around this time.
Also much discussed were "Tin Soldiers" by Ala Younis, a Jordanian, and "Historical Record Archive" by dani Gal, an Israeli artist.
Evelyn: English writer whose Diary, published in 1818, is a valuable historical record of his times.
The chenier is built up by a number of storms, the surge of which is higher or close to the historical record.
The chenier is built up by a number of storms, the surge of which is higher or close to the historical record.