All travellers find this hotel a home from home.
You will find our dorm a home from home.
They are doing their utmost to make it a home from home.
We really enjoyed our holiday. The hotel was a home from home.
We really enjoyed our holiday. The hotel was a home from home.
For many, this is a home from home - a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible, during a very precious period of time.
Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas.
By offering her the ability to work from home, we have doubled her capacity—now she works a day a week from home, and a day in the office.
Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas.
To those disturbances in my home life was added the occasional presence of my older brother, an off-shore worker whose visits home I dreaded like a call from the Stasi.
The establishment, in advance of an emergency strategy in case the child should stay home: Create a work environment more flexible to allow you to work from home when baby is sick.
Working all week from home and spending most of the weekend at home is a sure way to feel isolated over time.
"A hostel is a home away from home," Mr. Smetana said.
It becomes sort of a home away from home.
Yet there I was, at 7pm on a soggy Sydney winter's evening driving my dodgy little Sigma from my home in Cronulla to my mother's home in Engadine.
"I have a bear at home" is certainly different from "I have a cat at home."
I think web workers (or anyone that works at home) would agree that the biggest problem they face, after a few months of working from home, is a strange feeling of loneliness.
When we suffer a sad back in life, home becomes the firm shelter where we can find comfort and receiving curement from my parents, so we can say home is our priceless treasure.
一旦我们受到了委屈和痛苦回到家,家就成为了结实的庇护所,我们能够在家里安逸并且接受父母的关爱。 所以,我们能够说家是无价之宝。
I travel a fair bit, and your life just gets so much easier when you can connect to your home network, download files, read your home mail, all of that stuff, away from home.
"Take home" differs from "take out" in that it is marketed as a home meal replacement rather than fast food.
Because your home directory is usually not on your path (and generally should not be), you will need to explicitly provide a path for any executable that you want to run from your home directory.
The Central China Normal University in Wuhan, Hubei province is offering students and their parents a temporary home away from home.
This was the Parisian home away from home of the famous American composer Leonard Bernstein, and it still showcases a grand piano in his honor.
While the mistress of the home is gadually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home.
If you're going to be away from home for only a couple of days, stay on the same eating and sleeping schedule while you're away as you would at home.
While many gifts are modest — oranges, chocolate or liquor — failure to bring them home could be a source of shame, and especially painful for parents who work away from home most of the year.
If they go from sugar beverages to [clean] tap water, you get a public health home run and environmental home run.
Adding a different server prevents the home server from owning its recovery logs and stops the home server from starting correctly.
Adding a different server prevents the home server from owning its recovery logs and stops the home server from starting correctly.