It's got a feel about it, a kind of magic, that only the best games have.
It is thought that prehistoric man wore clothing for a fourth reason, as a kind of magic.
The stunning landscape in which Guilin is situated has a kind of magic that is all its own.
Yet old, familiar places retain a kind of magic, and all the more so when the memories are Shared.
However, smile is a kind of magic language that everyone can read easily, no matter where he comes from.
He is simply talking about the parameters of the world he has brought into being. Sidney thinks of it as a kind of magic.
The result is almost a kind of magic — by following a few simple rules, a J2EE application can automatically gain transactional semantics with little or no additional component code.
You'll soon realize that if your purpose is solely to understand, rather than to advise or protect, you can work a kind of magic: in the warmth of genuine caring, people open up like flowers.
Agile it not magic. The solution to this kind of emergency situation, when there is one, is a whole lot of long hours, which is clearly not an Agile solution.
Look for large Numbers of restaurants of a similar kind - barbecue in rural Texas, Mexican food in Chicago - where competition will work its magic.
Rowling's wizards also use a different kind of memory magic, the Obliviate charm, to erase Muggles' memories.
Student: I kind of, I feel like it also plays in a different way. And because of, you do talk about how you're systematically mislabeled by the fables that present love as magic.
The visualization on "Hollow" is a mindtrip (especially with the crisp clarity you see it in on the iPad app) taking you through the DNA chain, kind of like a more surreal Magic School Bus.
To me they were some kind of magic gateway to the world, a place from which to start great holidays and adventures.
Flight is a ubiquitous theme - Miyazaki has never done a film that doesn't involve flying of some kind, whether with gliders, magic brooms, World War I biplanes or with no visible means at all.
Each doll is a kind of color, from start to finish chosen by a woven cotton, hemp rope, and a cluster of heavens and the earth's aura, so it has a magical legend of magic.
What kind of wizard spends his time making such a stupid magic item?
But if Bryant continues to get that kind of assistance, the Magic are looking at a completely different opponent from what it saw with the Cavaliers.
"It" s kind of a form of magic.
A kind of golden hour one remembers for a life time... Everything was touched with magic.
Creativity is a special kind of magic. It produces more value than it consumes.
Team cooperation is a kind of important existence way in modern society, and is the magic weapon which risen enterprises of Japan and western depended on.
Then one day I am not sure when I began to discover a different kind of magic.
This ancient kind of magic is, in a sense, built into the very fabric of reality.
When I was a few years older, I experienced another kind of magic.
When I was a few years older, I experienced another kind of magic.