He fell asleep during a service in honour of Martin Luther King at a church in Harlem (" Bill has a dream ", quipped the New York Post).
In a speech on October 25th at the Economist's Buttonwood Gathering in new York, Mervyn King savaged big Banks and criticised the new Basel 3 rules as too soft.
New York street scene, the King Kong exhibit and a square seen in Back to the Future were caught up in the blaze.
Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, in a recent speech in New York wondered aloud whether the use of deposits to fund loans should be outlawed.
Republican New York Congressman, Peter King, accuses some in his party of having a double-standard when it comes to helping New York and New Jersey, telling MSNBC about his district.
Republican New York Congressman, Peter King, accuses some in his party of having a double-standard when it comes to helping New York and New Jersey, telling MSNBC about his district.