The structure of the molecule of methane hydrate is such that it facilitates the capturing of a large amount of gas.
Considering the gas as energy, it should be high efficiency and low pollution, whose large amount of discharging into air would be a big waste of energy.
Especially during the rush hours, too many private vehicles move slowly on narrow roads, emitting a large amount of waste gas.
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company paid a large amount of money to the sick people.
Converter slopping is harm for operators and equipment, which is caused by a large amount of CO gas flow produced by unbalanced carbon and oxygen reaction and improper operation.
The gas in the TBR absorbs a large amount of are energy.
A large amount of dust and harmful gas are produced in the open - pit mining process, which can affect a large area and cause serious consequences.
The exhaust gas of common fuels contains a large amount of harmful materials, which pollute the environment seriously; thereby hurt the health of human being.
This shows that a large amount of water mist may have more obvious influence on gas explosion.
Thus spent a large amount of natural resources, a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
There is a large amount of methane gas under the Siberian tundra.
Otherwise, a large amount of associated gas will be produced in the process of oilfield development, which will provide enough gas source.
An auxiliary combustion device is adopted, is used for developing and utilizing renewable energy, supplying combustible gas and providing a large amount of heat energy.
The use of bag filter to deal with large amount of moisture or more viscous gas dust, the dust has been easy to adhesion Budai is a headache dust-border problems.
The use of bag filter to deal with large amount of moisture or more viscous gas dust, the dust has been easy to adhesion Budai is a headache dust-border problems.