He has a large circle of friends.
He has a large circle of friends for he is a musical man.
He is well known in bussiness circle and has a large circle of friends.
He used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone.
Jeremy used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone.
Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.
Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.
Tom has a large circle of friends. They often draw a circle on the ground to play the game.
Tom has a large circle of friends. They often drew a circle on the ground and play the game.
10-year Australian study found that older people with a large circle of friends were 22 percent less likely to die during the study period than those with fewer friends.
A 10-year Australian study found that older people with a large circle of friends were 22 percent less likely to die during the study period than those with fewer friends.
Some people benefit from large and diverse networks of friends, while others prefer a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances.
“My parents think there is something wrong with me because I don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t hang out with a lot of guys, ” said Ms. Andrew, who had a large circle of male friends in high school.
We could now invite a slightly larger circle of friends, but still excluding any large companies (with a few trusted exceptions within places like Google).
We could now invite a slightly larger circle of friends, but still excluding any large companies (with a few trusted exceptions within places like Google).