This is especially apparent when using a large number of short-lived elements.
Secondly, one would have to create a large number of proprietary extension elements to anotate the atom:entry element to hold all the [...] specific fields for the [business object].
This section describes the techniques and business modeling elements that WebSphere Commerce uses to implement a large number of customized sites on a single infrastructure.
There is a large number of population in China, and also a big figure of movie customer, so to appeal to Chinese audience, Hollywood movies start to add Chinese elements.
A large number of radioactive isotopes among the heavy elements are of three series.
A large number of Hunan cultural elements are added to dance, music and language performance on the stage.
If the number of drawable UI elements on a Canvas is large, then calculating the batch itself becomes very expensive.
This serves as the best way to set a large number of style properties on all matched elements.
Since the study of translation has shifted its focus to the study of cultural elements, many researchers have done a great deal of work and written a large number of articles on this field.
A large number of mineral elements in the material transferred to black liquor, will co-interfere the alkali recovery se.
And the designing works were put in a large number of ink strokes and other Chinese elements and symbols.
In fiscal year of 2015, the number of visitors to this iconic museum has reached 6.3 million, which has been attributed in a large part to Chinese elements and tourists.
Some lawless elements, and even add some chemicals, which contain a large number of heavy metals and pathogens, must not yield to the temptation of cheap, bite victims.
This is mostcommonly due to a large number of overlapping UI elements and/or havingmultiple UI elements that occupy significant portions of the screen.
Pipeline circuits that have high working frequency and a large number of sequential elements, are easily affected by soft error.
The input data is routed at high rates to a distributed and large number of processing elements, memory, and connections for simultaneous parameter estimation at multiple points in the field of view.
Rare earth metal: Any of a large class of chemical elements including scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium (39), and the 15 elements from 57 (lanthanum) to 71.
Rare earth metal: Any of a large class of chemical elements including scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium (39), and the 15 elements from 57 (lanthanum) to 71.