While passengers love to complain about taxi drivers, the drivers of New York are in a league of their own.
California's problems may be in a league of their own, as the Pew Centre on the states puts it, but about nine other states face similar difficulties relative to their size.
The researchers then conducted a follow-up study of more than a million users and found a similar result - when it comes to dating, potential mates stick to someone in their own league.
Thee researchers then conducted a follow-up study of more than a million users and found a similar result - when it comes to dating, potential mates stick to someone in their own league.
研究人员随后对100多万名用户进行了后续调查,发现了相似的结果:人们都会选择和自己同一层次的人进行约会。 。
Thee researchers then conducted a follow-up study of more than a million users and found a similar result - when it comes to dating, potential mates stick to someone in their own league.
研究人员随后对100多万名用户进行了后续调查,发现了相似的结果:人们都会选择和自己同一层次的人进行约会。 。