In a sate controlled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle of revenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state assumes responsibility for their protection.
The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.
When a country shifts from state to private land ownership, we provide the legal advice to smooth the way.
Currently, retailers in California are under legal attack for failing to provide seating, as required by a state labor law, for employees whose job it is to stand for most of the day.
This week Colorado, with an estimated 250, 000 illegal residents in a population of 4.7m, voted to deny state benefits, including non-emergency health care, to anyone who cannot prove legal residence.
In 1779, as Virginia's governor, Thomas Jefferson had drafted a bill that guaranteed legal equality for citizens of all religions-including those of no religion-in the state.
Our most famous and fascinating professor was Robert Leflar, the most eminent legal scholar our state ever produced, a recognized authority in torts, conflicts of law, and appellate judging.
Mrs Clinton is now a senator from New York, despite her lack of earlier connections with the state — she was born and raised in Illinois and had her legal career in Arkansas.
Legal state of insolvency. An individual or organisation is declared bankrupt if a court judges that the party involved can no longer meet debt payments to creditors.
At the spot where it happened, Israel’s security fence runs, unhelpfully, not along the legal frontier, but some 60 metres inside the Jewish state, leaving a no-man’s-land gap.
But the court did not nullify the 18,000 gay marriages performed in the state in the six months before the ballot, a period when they were deemed legal.
But the court did not nullify the 18, 000 gay marriages performed in the state in the six months before the ballot, a period when they were deemed legal.
those who make contributions to the State by immediately declaring or handing in excavated gold and silver without a legal owner;
Above all, the goal is to put the opposition and its supporters in a state of permanent legal jeopardy.
Already there are four that have only one clinic for the whole state, making the legal termination of a pregnancy a right that exists in theory but not in practice.
Handling the state and federal taxes, sales tax, payroll and payroll taxes and all the legal aspects that go along with having a team of employees.
From 1840 to 1949, legal education in China entered the modern period and it was in a very prosperous state.
The rights of the lawyers are the legal rights entitled to the lawyer in practicing a lawsuit, which are different from both citizens' moral rights or state power.
Hobbes, in other words, tried to render acceptable, tried to render palatable, what Machiavelli had done by providing a more precise and more legal and institutional framework for the modern state.
The majority serves by appointment in the legal departments of a variety of federal and state agencies and local entities.
It is a legal requirement of the state for pharmaceutical enterprises to qualify GMP authentication.
Salvage performed or controlled by the relevant competent authorities of the state is a special and important legal system, the study of which is insufficient.
Although users anonymous and invisible in a state of walking in the virtual world of network, users of the words and deeds are subject to legal norms.
Although users anonymous and invisible in a state of walking in the virtual world of network, users of the words and deeds are subject to legal norms.