That day, my brother and I learnt a good lesson.
Though the cost has been high, as long as all the market players learn their lessons, it will be a lesson well learnt.
"The lesson learnt is that you don't isolate researchers," says Eric Schmidt, the boss of Google, who started his career as a computer scientist at Bell Labs and later at Xerox PARC.
“The lesson learnt is that you don't isolate researchers, ” says Eric Schmidt, the boss of Google, who started his career as a computer scientist at Bell Labs and later at Xerox PARC.
“不能让研究人员孤军作战,这是一条教训,”谷歌首席执行官埃里克•施密特说。 施密特在事业初期曾是贝尔实验室的一名计算机科学家,之后在施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心工作。
That would be a lesson well learnt.
Nearly a decade later, Microsoft has learnt some sort of lesson from all this, and localized prices of Windows and Office software box-sets in many emerging markets.
I have learnt a serious lesson this time.
The hare and the tortoise also learnt another vital lesson. When we stop competing against a rival and instead start competing against the situation, we perform. far better.
The hare and the tortoise also learnt another vital lesson. When we stop competing against a rival and instead start competing against the situation, we perform far better.
For Asian emerging market economies have learnt from the experience of 1997 and 1998 a lesson that is rather different from that drawn by orthodox economists.
First let's have a student to give a brief summing up of what we've learnt in this lesson. Then we'll do some oral and written exercises.
Slowy:We learnt a lesson here. Before we switch on any machine(ma-sheen), we must first read the manual.
I made a big mistake and I also learnt a big lesson in my life.
I learnt my lesson during my time as a manager.
He taught the barbarous schoolmate a lesson by the learnt physical knowledge, he broken the traditional concept of scholasticism by his wisdom.
A long distance romance may be deceiving. You are best to control the situation so you aren't stuck spending time with someone who disappoints you. There's a lesson to be learnt.
And I've learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.
Brian: Quite rewarding. I've learnt a valuable lesson.
I learnt a very beautiful lesson from those kids.
For these young monks, first lesson of the day is a lesson in combat, drills learnt over and over.
We will do our most, they always speak about La Coruna, but that is a lesson we have learnt and we won't repeat it again.
I have learnt a valuable lesson.
The key to successful use of mobile is affordability, the report argues, a lesson not learnt by many African states.
It was a lesson Jobs had learnt in his exile, when he was building NeXT and Pixar.
It was a lesson Jobs had learnt in his exile, when he was building NeXT and Pixar.