Cai believes his team has discovered a master switch for the diseases caused by overeating.
If a man pays attention to forging a strong connection with the woman in his life, this will, in most cases, act like a master switch that ignites her passion.
My husband decided to install a light switch in our master bedroom. Cutting into the wall, he discovered a stash of bottles and boxes.
That switch, which occurs just as the rats start to master the maze, likely signals that a habit has been formed, says MIT Institute Professor Ann Graybiel, senior author of the PNAS paper.
For availability, this computing system was a redundant design, with two sets of processors and buses and the ability to switch between a master and a slave if the master was found to be unresponsive.
"The Master Switch" is a worthwhile read.
A smile what then can not so easily add friends, who is the master switch * * perennial closed, sometimes with slightly more people, will turn off.
The switch before line 010 is a master disconnect for the power to the entire system.
There are no controls except a master circuit breaker, which serves as an on-off switch.
There are a number of such 'master switch' genes known, but this is the first evidence linking such a gene to growth and physical maturation.
There are a number of such ' master switch' genes known, but this is the first evidence linking such a gene to growth and physical maturation.
有许多已知的这样的‘主开关’基因,但是基因与人的生长和身体成熟有联 系,这还是第一项证据。
Because he's not receiving attention, he plans to switch allegiance to a new master.
Release pressure pot, it is in a closed container, a new liquid containers that the liquid flux of the holes in the bottom is master of air switch in top of the containers.
POWER SWITCH Each room is equipped with a master lighting control.
The next day he told the old monk, "master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."
The next day he told the old monk, "master, you're so masterly I forget the time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."
The next day he told the old monk, "master, you're so masterly I forget the time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."