You do need protein to rebuild your light bodies, but you do not need the quantity that you may have typically consumed on a meat diet.
Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better-balanced diet.
Studies have shown that people who eat a meat-heavy diet can reduce their food-related footprint by one third or more by moving to a vegan diet.
It usually has less fat than a diet that includes meat.
A vegetarian diet also provides many vitamins that people can't get from meat.
There's plenty of solid evidence, he points out, that a diet heavy in any kind of red meat -fresh as well as processed - raises the risk of colon cancer, and maybe other cancers, too.
While there’s no data on vegan diets, one study found that vegetarian diets used 2.9 times less water and 2.5 times less energy in food production than a diet containing meat and poultry.
Their skulls have adapted to a diet of mostly seal meat and blubber.
As a doctor, let me encourage us all to keep that image of floating fat firmly in our minds. If it causes us to limit the amount of meat in our diet, we'll be a lot better off.
Anyone who's been on a diet knows if you take all the fat from the meat, it just doesn't taste the same.
Adopting a healthy vegetarian diet isn't as simple as scraping meat off your plate and eating what's left.
Further, it is well established that there is a link between large amounts of red meat in the diet and heart disease, and red meat is high in iron.
The problems became worse with a diet high in saturated fats, the kind that's abundant in meat and dairy products.
A "caveman diet" of berries, nuts, lean meat and fish could help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, a new study shows.
Though previous research has linked a diet heavy in red meat to a greater risk of heart disease and colon cancer, this is the first big study to look at how it affects your life expectancy.
It is to the meat diet that I want to pay a little more attention.
a "traditional" diet (in the British sense), made up of meat, potatoes, bread and vegetables;
Three dietary patterns were identified; a processed diet high in fats and sugar, a traditional diet of meat and vegetables and a health-conscious diet high in salad, fruit and vegetables.
In a land poorly suited to agriculture, meat and dairy make up a large portion of the diet.
According to new research, a diet that is high in processed and red meat may lead to a higher risk of colorectal cancer.
A diet rich in sugars, saturated and processed fats, dairy, grains and grain fed meat.
The major killers in the west are cancer and heart disease, which are both linked with a diet high in meat.
A diet that relies heavily on meat production results in higher emissions than a typical vegetarian diet, says Lord Stern.
The Oxford research is the latest in a series of reports to discourage too much meat in the diet.
A common yet inadequate argument against a meat-reduced or meat-free diet is the speculation that plants might experience pain too, like animals.
He cites research that showed that people on a raw food diet, including meat and oil, lost a lot of weight.
Many people around the world are slowly moving away from a daily meat-based diet.
Processed foods, a diet high in red meat and processed carbs, excessive salt and alcohol use, are all dietary habits that can lead to skin problems and premature aging.
A former heavy meat-eater, he has been surviving on a largely fruitarian diet since 1987.
A former heavy meat-eater, he has been surviving on a largely fruitarian diet since 1987.