A registry contains collections, resources hosted on the server and their metadata.
This server is supported by a metadata repository which captures not just the metadata associated with a glossary, but also physical models, services and other metadata sources across the enterprise.
When there was an upload of a PDF document, for example, the PODS3 upload process stored the document and an XML metadata file on the EMC file server.
例如,在上传pd f文档时,PODS3上传过程把文档和XM l元数据文件存储在EMC文件服务器上。
IBM Information Server plays an important role in the SOA design phase by providing a unified metadata management platform.
Most SQL-compliant databases, including SQL Server, store metadata in a series of system tables with the names sysobjects, syscolumns, sysindexes, and so on.
与SQL 兼容的大多数数据库(包括 SQLServer)将元数据存储在名为sysobjects、syscolumns、sysindexes 等的一系列系统表中。
A file from the Linux perspective is assigned an inode number (ino) from the metadata server, which is a unique identifier for the file.
Linux透视图中的一个文件会分配到一个来自元数据服务器的inode number (ino),对于文件这是一个唯一的标识符。
When it translates a form into HTML, the Translator stores the original XFDL form in the file cache, and metadata in the access control server.
在将表单转换为HTML 时,Translator 将原来的XFDL 表单存储在文件缓存中,并将元数据存储在访问控制服务器中。
Tip: to export metadata to a directory on the server, just set the element value to false in your export command XML.
The cloud server drops a file with some metadata in a common place, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), where other scripts look to rebuild their configuration files.
Process Server wraps a business object with a business graph, which is a container for associating additional metadata with business objects.
The metadata objects from IBM Cognos Real-time Monitoring server can be backed up or exported to disk from a client machine or the server itself in the following ways.
可以通过以下几种方法从客户机或服务器本身备份来自IBMCognosReal - timeMonitoring服务器的元数据对象或将其导出到磁盘上。
The assets are selected from a list of the available assets in the Information Server metadata repository. The available asset types are
The utilities first obtain a valid sessionId to the specified IBM Cognos Real-time Monitoring server and then export the metadata as a specified JAR file on to the disk.
这些工具首先获取一个有效的sessionId到指定IBMCognos Real-timeMonitoring服务器,然后将这个元数据作为一个指定JAR文件导出到磁盘上。
Information Server approaches the management of these three metadata types through a common architecture approach to storing, enhancing, and exchanging metadata, as shown in Figure 2.
The RAS asset, along with its associated metadata, can then be deployed to a RAS server such as the developerWorks RAS repository.
RAS资产及其关联的元数据可以随后部署到 RAS服务器(如developerWorks RAS 存储库)。
These report templates are pulled to the Lotus Domino server and eventually to a user's local metadata database as a part of the metadata fetch.
They are used to import metadata from a particular tool, file, or database into the metadata repository of InfoSphere Metadata Server.
可以使用它们把元数据从工具、文件或数据库导入InfoSphereMetadata Server的元数据存储库。
This split provides certain advantages, such as minimizing the metadata bottleneck (because interactions with this server are only required to locate and open a file).
And by adding a simple metadata feature, we see how easy it can be to give the user direct access to information on the server, without worrying about protocol.
The CWM makes a clear distinction between client-side metadata, which a client requires to query OLAP resources, and server-side metadata, which an OLAP server needs to process a client request.
CWM清楚地区分客户端元数据与服务器端元数据,客户机需要前者来查询OLAP资源,而 OLAP服务器需要后者来处理客户机请求。
After the capture, a new virtual appliance is created, which is composed of metadata that describes the virtual server, and a reference to an image.
Since changes to the metadata cache are replicated to every server, a read is always local and doesn't require network communication.
You can HTTP POST an RDF query document to a MusicBrainz server, and get a response back in MusicBrainz metadata form similar to that in Listing 1, but with CDMP wrapper elements.
可以将RDF查询文档使用HTTPPOST放到MusicBrainz服务器,然后获得与清单1类似的以MusicBrainz元数据格式表示的响应,但是带有CD MP封装器元素。
When the page is rendered, the server replaces these tags with the - possibly dynamic - content of the portlet and with a microformat that defines metadata for these portlets.
The datastore makes a series of Library Server calls to load common metadata (for example, item type definitions).
The tools catalog database contains all the metadata about the tasks that are scheduled to run on the DB2 UDB server (for example, a backup task scheduled to run every Sunday at 1:00 a.m.).
A services catalog maintains all available services built on the MetaData Server infrastructure.
一个服务目录维护在MetaData Server基础结构上构建的所有可用服务。
To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems, this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability.
Metadata server system is a latent visit bottleneck in distributed storage system.
Metadata server system is a latent visit bottleneck in distributed storage system.