May I have a minute of your time?
Can I take a minute of your time?
Can I steal a minute of your time?
Jake: Now wait, Steven. I need a minute of your time.
I just wanted to take a minute of your time to say "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
It's the little things, like giving people a minute of your time in the street, you show them respect, and live with your principles on life.
A good technique is to time box these "extra requests." 4 Schedule a convenient five-minute meeting with your friend in which he or she explains the issue to the best of his or her ability.
It's most effective if you put that 15-minute block of time right on your calendar and respect the appointment with yourself as if it were a meeting with Warren Buffet, Oprah, or Tiger Woods.
This is very useful if you don't have time to launch your e-mail application to see the contents of a last-minute message.
If you feel any muscle tightness while you're warming up, stop jogging for a moment and stretch out the tight area (but don't count this stretching time as part of your 10-minute minimum).
Knowing that you could break up your workouts into a few 10-minute sessions, does the lack-of-time excuse start to lose its allure?
Obviously you shouldn’t use every spare 5-minute chunk of your day towards your goals. Everybody needs a little down time to veg out and recharge their batteries.
By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two-and-a-half billion times (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute.)
Over time, the steady beating of your heart—70 times a minute, or more than 100,000 heartbeats a day—exacts wear and tear on your vessels as well.
Over time, the steady beating of your heart-70 times a minute, or more than 100, 000 heartbeats a day-exacts wear and tear on your vessels as well.
Most of these campaigns and apps take very little time to participate or use, so have a look and see if something here might earn your 15-minute activist budget.
In the great traditions of the "exit policy" you are required to make a brief 5-7 minute speech accounting for the great heights which the organization has reached in your time.
You hold much power now, and more sway over your own destiny than you have for a long, long time so don't waste a minute of it.
A time-plan is a method of assigning blocks of time to those items you want to get done but not a minute-by-minute description of your day!
You spend every minute of your time to make a go of your business, but still you see no profit.
You spend every minute of your time to make a go of your business, but still you see no profit.