I bought the house at a modest price.
I bought the house at a modest price.
There was even a book available for a modest price that showed how to deliver your own baby in a log cabin.
For the Cavaliers, it sure seemed like a modest price to pay considering the straits they're in without LeBron James' favorite running mate.
Even though the performance and price factors are seemingly at odds with each other, end users still expect high graphics performance at a modest price.
Later this year the company expects to launch a drug for a rare cancer at a modest price - with no chance of generating a profit, the Financial Times reports.
Even a chance of that modest prize comes at a high price.
Inflation increases the price of exports, but, especially if it is modest, is likely to be offset by a fall in the value of the dollar relative to foreign currencies.
When Delta recently told investors it intended a modest increase in its capacity, its share price fell, although it had recently reported healthy profits.
Corn is a prime source of feed for dairy cattle and the rising costs could force farmers to reduce their herds, leading in turn to reduced supplies and modest price increases.
Consumer price inflation rose to 4.4 percent in October and a further increase is expected. This is higher than we are used to in China, although it is modest in an emerging market perspective.
Except to pay at least $4 for a beer or $9 for a mixed drink in even the modest sidewalk cafes —— wellworth the price for a table with a view of the activity on the Champs.
The risk of a wage - price spiral , albeit a modest one , is not negligible.
Even a modest earnings miss could have a big effect on the share price, since more of Apple's shareholders today are fickle traders.
One trick to lure customers is to promise a fairly modest price for a small set of photos, say 10 images.
Rice- and wheat-price increases have been modest, except for high-quality imports, a small share of domestic consumption.
DESPITE SHARE price declines, most companies in Asia are currently planning a modest scaling back of their rewards programs and other workforce investments for 2009.
The Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, although the pace of economic recovery is likely to be modest in the near term.
The risk of a wage-price spiral, albeit a modest one, is not negligible.
解决物价不断上涨问题的惟一对策就是重新 实行对 工资和 价格的控制。
The risk of a wage-price spiral, albeit a modest one, is not negligible.
解决物价不断上涨问题的惟一对策就是重新 实行对 工资和 价格的控制。