After more than ten years of highly concentrated work, Wolfram finally described his achievements in his 1200-page book a New Kind of Science.
经过10多年的高集中化的工作,Wolfram最终看到了他的成绩——a New Kind of Science,一本1200页的著作。
Recently computerized music is a new kind of technology which combines science with music.
Given that science is essentially a kind of intervening practice, however, there is no such a question for the new practical concept of science, which has produced a series of new consequences.
New juggled culture is a kind of joking culture supported by high technology and science.
It not only expands the application of metallocene catalysts in polymer science, but also develops a kind of polar polyolefin resin featuring new performance.
Many science fiction stories tell about explorers arriving in a new world. The explorers then use some kind of high-tech device to test for breathable air or signs of life.
Once in the term before last, our Computer Science teacher told us that a new kind of robot invented that time could be used on QQ.
So a new kind of virtual instrument comes forth based on the intimate combination between computer science and measurement technology.
Baonikang is a new kind of hi-tech anti-cancer medicine made by biology and physical research institute of China Science Institute and Shandong Medicine Institute.
Baonikang is a new kind of hi-tech anti-cancer medicine made by biology and physical research institute of China Science Institute and Shandong Medicine Institute.