There has been a lot of discussion around the smallpox issue, " Pierre Formenty of the WHO told a news briefing in Geneva.
The 'weather is not looking good for launch,' shuttle weather officer Kathy Winters said at a news briefing Thursday morning.
负责天气状况的温特斯(Kathy Winters)周四上午在媒体吹风会上说,天气看起来不利于发射。
DARPA's robotics program began with more than 100 participating teams, Pratt told reporters in a news briefing earlier this month.
At a news briefing in Sydney on March 2, Xiong assured the country that Chinalco is not seeking a majority share of the mining giant and that its management and corporate strategy would not change.
Benefits of bilingualism can begin in utero, Janet Werker, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Canada, told the news briefing.
At a weekly news briefing, Mehmanparast says they have always announced their preparation for the continuation of talks with five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, or P5 + 1.
在每周的新闻发布会上,迈赫曼·帕拉斯特表示,他们一直表示,他们做好了与联合国安理会五个常任理事国以及德国,即P5 + 1,继续谈判的准备。
At a weekly news briefing, Mehmanparast says they have always announced their preparation for the continuation of talks with five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, or P5 + 1.
在每周的新闻发布会上,迈赫曼·帕拉斯特表示,他们一直表示,他们做好了与联合国安理会五个常任理事国以及德国,即P5 + 1,继续谈判的准备。