A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.
You can pay for a night on the town.
Champagne, perhaps, or a night on the town?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town?
Trev: Take you guys out for a night on the town.
Cup of coffee after a night on the town to sober up?
I take you and my new liver out for a night on the town?
Stay over Sunday and enjoy a night on the town in Vegas!
Jeff just went out for a night on the town with Lily and her friends.
Let's have a night on the town to celebrate our one year anniversary.
We'll be graduating soon, let's go for a night on the town to celebrate.
Online dating is a cheaper way of meeting people than a night on the town.
Delicious food and wine over dinner set the hacks up for a night on the town.
Nostradamus is a contemporary bar and lounge ideal for a night on the town in Gurgaon.
CREEPY STORY... few years ago, a mother and father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town.
Whether it be a night on the town, a new dress, or even a new car, setting up a reward system just may be the extra push you need to succeed.
Barbara Bush's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town, but the Secret Service agents did not notice, ABC said, citing police sources.
Odours are known to regulate moods, thoughts and even dating decisions, which is why any serious romantic will throw on the eau DE toilette before going out for a night on the town.
On this night, the sky was not only the best show in town, but a composite image of the sky won an international competition for landscape astrophotography.
Let them remember how they took to the streets on a warm, clear night in Boston or D.C. or Philly, even the small college town of Newark, Delaware.
Let them remember how they took to the streets on a warm, clear night in Boston or D. C. or Philly, even the small college town of Newark, Delaware.
Heading out for a first date or night on the town and want an escape, just in case?
Sure, you'd rather spend that birthday check from grandma for a night out with your friends, but it'll do you more good if you use it to pay off that last night on the town.
A group of the townspeople stood on the station siding of a little Kansas town, awaiting the coming of the night train, which was already twenty minutes overdue.
Done right, your wedding reception can easily be a favorite night out on the town.
We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can't afford.
We arrive in a small town called Narrandera for our final night on the Oz-Bus.
The worst was the night in Enniscorthy, a pretty, hilly town on the Banks of the River Slaney, where I spotted on the street a bearded guy wearing a trendy straw hat.
The worst was the night in Enniscorthy, a pretty, hilly town on the Banks of the River Slaney, where I spotted on the street a bearded guy wearing a trendy straw hat.