Pools are conveniently south-facing, which means that on a starry night you can spot the Southern Cross and other constellations while soaking in the tub.
At night, when they were there, that garden seemed a living and a sacred spot.
A few lucky survivors, who were able to find a hiding spot inside the mast of the boat, were horrified as they watched the Maori devour their shipmates through the night and in to the next morning.
And the night-vision camera could spot a deer in the hedgerow down a dark country lane.
It was, for some, the high point of a second chilly night on the streets to secure a prime viewing spot for the royal procession.
The Li men jostle to sell me supper, all of it live: white-breasted waterhens, little egrets, a black-crowned night heron and a spot-billed duck, the only duck where male and female look alike.
Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that kills bacteria without chemicals – simply dab a bit on the inflamed spot morning and night.
Usually, all we pay for is the spot to camp on – $10 to $20 a night unless we find a free option.
While most of us should aim for that sweet spot of seven to eight hours of sleep a night, a small minority might need substantially less or substantially more.
Our teenage son put his text-messaging aside when he discovered “Friday Night Lights, ” by H.G. Bissinger, and “Hate Mail from Cheerleaders, ” a collection of Rick Reilly’s spot-on sports columns.
我十来岁的儿子在找到贝辛格(H.G. Bissinger)的《胜利之光》(FridayNight Lights)和里克 · 莱利(RickReilly)现场体育赛事报道专栏的合集《啦啦队长的仇恨信件》(Hate Mailfrom Cheerleaders)之后,就把手机扔到了一边。
Fire accuracy is attained by a primitive FCS light spot fire control system with ir night vision and laser rangefinder input.
I happen to know a very night spot near the Sogo Department Store.
It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr. Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the coal company office.
Seoul Tower in Seoul, Nanshan, 236.7 meters high, was built in 1975, It's a famous tourist spot where the best attractions to enjoy the night view of Seoul an is also a symbol of Seoul.
But that very night as it happened, the shepherd, requiring a supply of mutton for the table, laid hands on the Wolf in mistake for a sheep, and killed him with his knife on the spot.
I remained a cigarette, but I must pass the night; I remained a spot to love, but I have also wanted the life.
"If it's a nice night, and the weather is good, it's a really great spot," he said.
On that same night, a group of five hundred thieves stopped at the same spot with five hundred horses and precious things stolen from their king.
At night it could be a lonely spot, with not much more than a multistorey car park on one side, Castle Rock and a cemetery on the other.
His gorgeous pink rag of a suit made a bright spot of color against the white steps, and I thought of the night when I first came to his ancestral home, three months before.
In the United States, a handful of people were camped out Thursday night outside a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-area Borders store to guarantee their spot at the front of the line.
If I were a lighter, I would spot the night sky with my thought, you could only read it when you stood on a high lookout.
The Haohe River is a bright spot after nightfall. The colorful lights and sparkling fountains make Nantong's night more charming and attractive.
The whole building glows at night, creating a unique spot for anyone to enjoy a moment amongst the green roof overlooking the city's skyline.
This spot is also more than suitable for your light business lunch or for a sumptuous dinner at night.
N Seoul Tower in Seoul, Nanshan, 236.7 meters high, was built in 1975, It's a famous tourist spot where the best attractions to enjoy the night view of Seoul an is also a symbol of Seoul.
The singer, 25, who has been XXXXXX the social rounds in New York City this month, arrived with a group of girlfriends at the downtown hot spot ONE on Sunday night wearing a micro-mini red dress.
The singer, 25, who has been XXXXXX the social rounds in New York City this month, arrived with a group of girlfriends at the downtown hot spot ONE on Sunday night wearing a micro-mini red dress.