In addition, if you have a table with many columns that aren't typically used, you are also wasting disk space with NULL value fields.
Enter a space if you want a value to be null.
Beam pattern null in the direction of the jamming is formed by a space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.
First, the actual occurrence of a specific value may indicate whether there are issues such as incomplete data by the presence of a Null value, a Space, and so on.
First, by redefining the within class scatter matrix and the between class scatter matrix, a new null space method was presented.
A null is not the same as a zero or a blank space.
First, a null-space restriction is used to define the searching space, and then, CTS is applied to search the optimal result of the integer ambiguity in the searching space.
First, a null-space restriction is used to define the searching space, and then, CTS is applied to search the optimal result of the integer ambiguity in the searching space.