I need to obtain a part-time job because my mother's income can not cover the cost of my school fees.
For every person counted in the monthly unemployment tallies, there is another working part-time because of the inability to find full-time work, or else outside the labor force but wanting a job.
Goals should be assigned to employees as a part of their duties, not as something to do in their spare time, and they should directly relate to the employee's job in some way.
A part-time job at a local business or on campus is ideal, especially if you can find something related to your field of study.
If you have time outside of your academic and social life, consider taking on a part time job to make extra money.
I had never been out of work. I always had a part-time job while at school and university and, as soon as I could, I started working full time.
She tells the story of how she lost her job due to illness, then her apartment, then part-time work in a deli, then the room she was renting and finally the possessions she had put in storage.
Although I ditched the day job a couple of years ago, I still need to balance my time and energy; I'm studying a part time masters alongside freelancing.
In a UUK report, he said the number of flexible courses - including part-time study, on-the-job training and internet-based qualifications - would "explode" in the future.
Check the other part-time job sites as well. That way, you will review a broad spectrum of potential opportunities.
There was a comparable rise in the number of people who would take a full-time job if it were available but instead have settled for part-time work or given up looking altogether.
But it also is in part a reflection of reluctance by Americans to hold big loads of debt at a time when the job market is in bad shape and the value of their homes has fallen.
No wonder I don't have time to get a part-time job, train for swimming badges or join one of those knot-fixated paramilitary groups like Mum and Dad keep suggesting.
There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students" doing a part-time job.
There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students'' doing a part-time job.
There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students‘ doing a part-time job.
So, I thought of having a second job on evenings. Because of my passion for make-up, working part-time in a wedding planner agency seemed a pretty good idea at that time.
It has the same amount of work and hours as a part-time job, but it doesn't pay as well as my day job.
Though I didn’t feel so at the time, I was lucky when, as part of my job training, I was “strongly encouraged” to join a Toastmasters club, something I would never have done on my own.
Reports of ne 'er-do-wells showing up to claim the allowance but skipping classes were given credence by the fact that the money was handed out whether or not the recipient also had a part-time job.
There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students’ doing a part-time job。
Of those, a record 997, 000 said they had taken a part-time job because they could not find full-time work — a number that has shot up 40% over the past 12 months.
Sixty percent of the working mothers said a part-time job would be best, up from 48 percent 10 years ago.
I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of contacting society.
Finally he quit his business job and took a couple of part-time jobs in Harlem and Brooklyn that barely paid the rent.
I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of contacting society.
I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of contacting society.