People know I'm not a party girl.
"I'm not a party girl, because that's not where my interests are," she says.
Kate's story examines Kate's life as a photographer and accessories buyer, as well as being a party girl.
The investigation was complicatedby the fact Dora was known as a party girl who liked to cruise the local barsand often brought home men she'd only just met.
A young girl, Fran, who came to the party hasn't been home yet.
He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party.
He was good-looking, charming and charismatic, and when he strolled towards me at a party, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
A girl you met once at a party who's baring her midriff in her profile picture wrote on your fiancee's wall — hold on, where'd she come from?
You don't want to be remembered as the guy or girl who ruined the party by falling off the roof like a drunken buffoon.
Each girl in the party was paired off with a boy.
Tom circled about the girl at the party, waiting for a chance to talk to her.
I should have left right then: it's not smart, being the only girl at a party.
A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders.
When reality television star Kourtney Kardashian gave birth at age 30, she rebranded herself from a jet-setting party girl to a thoughtful first-time mom.
WHEN a geek leaves a hip party with a gorgeous girl on his arm, it is typically in a scene from a film rather than one from the real world.
一个书呆子参加嘻哈派对,能抱得美人归,这事只有在电影里才会发生,这可是典型的电影场景,绝非现实世界可以看到的。 但是,胶片上的幻景也会成真。
WHEN a geek leaves a hip party with a gorgeous girl on his arm, it istypically in a scene from a film rather than one from the real world.
A 16-year-old German girl ditched her own party after around 1600 people showed up in a quiet Hamburg neighborhood on Friday, June 3, to celebrate her birthday.
After meeting a young girl at a rave party.
If a sleep-deprived new mom feels fulfilled but frazzled, and an aimless party girl feels empty despite loads of fun, neither would consider herself truly happy.
She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party.
The girl I met at the party last night seemed very friendly, but when I asked for a date, she gave me the air.
In the photos, what looks like hundreds of male students are holding a birthday party for just one girl.
But, Sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.
We shall have to invite another girl to the party or Nigel will be the odd man out-everybody else is coming with a partner.
The birthday cake served at the party will have lit candles on it. The birthday boy or girl will take a deep breath and blow the flames out.
The birthday cake served at the party will have lit candles on it. The birthday boy or girl will take a deep breath and blow the flames out.