As you build your life on the Word of God, he will truly make you into a new person - a total makeover from the inside out.
I began to live a double life - a very religious person on the outside, with the appearance of a perfect life, but bearing hell inside of me.
Who a person is on the inside is more important than what their body looks like.
A "whited sepulcher" is a person who is evil inside but appears good on the outside, a hypocrite.
“白冢(whited sepulcher)”是指内心邪恶,但外表优秀的人,一个伪君子。
If there is a very professional person, who when playing an instrument, plays everything but what's on the score, then he is only playing what is inside of him.
Until he goes deep inside a role based on a real person, he doesn't feel he's done the work justice.
"I always liked the idea of a woman who doesn't feel on the inside like she looks on the outside," he said. "I thought, 'How could I dramatize that type of person?"
When you became God's child, he made you a new person on the inside.
From that incident, Mitchell became passionate to share his story that you could look like amonster on the outside and still be a good person—warm, funny, and caring—on the inside.
Hairstyles, fashion sense, piercings, and tattoos 1 – none of these things reveal much about who a person is on the inside.
Recognize that you're a beautiful person on the inside, and you'll broadcast that awareness on the outside. You are beautiful.
A person changes on the outside, not on the inside.
I am trying, but the sad part about most men in the world is that looks matter more than how a person is inside and on that level I feel I will find no one.
Guo's integrity, as we understood that being in desperate needs for so long and feeling helpless and hopeless on a daily basis would surely yield a sense of powerlessness inside the person.
Recognize that you're a beautiful person on the inside, and you'll broadcast that awareness on the outside. You are beautiful.
Recognize that you're a beautiful person on the inside, and you'll broadcast that awareness on the outside. You are beautiful.