To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
A worker looks at a pile of junk computers from foreign countries in Guiyu, Guangdong.
However, to be truly useful, a review must not just be a long version of "I loved it", or "I think its a pile of junk! "
While purchasing and using an anti-spam program may sound tedious, it's far worse to have to pick out a few desirable email messages from a pile of junk email.
There was usually a lot of junk mail and a few big envelopes for her mother, a pile to dump on the kitchen table before she went up to her room to start her homework.
Not pictured: the 7ft pile of junk that wasformed in allowing such a neat desk photo
It wasn't until last Wednesday when Bill James spotted a pair of feet poking from beneath a "floor-to-ceiling pile of junk," that he released his wife had actually been in their home the whole time.
Nothing. I have a big pile of junk that I push into a box and then move the box somewhere else.
A junk drawer is a junk pile that stays within limits due to the size of the drawer.
A junk drawer is a junk pile that stays within limits due to the size of the drawer.