A document library as a place for photo storage and team-based editing.
Just two years earlier, IBM had also developed the first random access disk storage device, the random access Memory for Accounting and Control (RAMAC) 350, so there was a place to store this stuff.
就在两年前,IBM还开发了第一个随机访问磁盘存储设备,RandomAccessMemoryfor AccountingandControl (RAMAC) 350,所以有了存放这些东西的地方。
It could be a house with a bed, a table, a chair, a place for food storage and preparation, a toilet, perhaps a shower.
Create a place for everything and if necessary go out and buy more storage containers.
King Eurystheus was so afraid of his heroic cousin that he hid in a storage jar. From the safety of this hiding place he issued the order for another Labor.
The number of requests for a storage engine to place a savepoint.
The first is a massive, rustic cellar containing a konoba, which serves as a wine and oil storage space, as well as a place for gatherings.
Place barriers a sufficient distance from the travel way to ensure adequate space for storage of plowed snow.
The best place for storage of money is a bank.
For example, lighting in the workplace combined with glass storage, cooking hood combined with a plate rack and a place to eat at the same table where a panel of cooking.
Storage for hazardous materials and fuel must be in a secure place with proper fire protection facilities.
When most people think about adding storage, they often think of containers like baskets, boxes, and jars, but you still need a place for the containers to go.
Storage period stored in a dry and cool place, Unopened product can be stored for one year.
Storage period stored in a dry and cool place, Unopened product can be stored for one year.